M&A Firm Spotlight: Saddle Creek LLC
March 5, 2018
Every so often, we meet a M&A firm really stands apart from the crowd.

New Jersey-based Saddle Creek LLC and its founder John Sipala are that firm.
With over 20 years experience in executive management, corporate advisory and deal advisory, Saddle Creek is unique in the breadth of operating experience they bring to the table.
Additionally, with a long term approach to curating clients, they often spend years working on preparing a transaction prior to being brought to market. This means that while they choose to keep deal volume modest, the quality and sell-ability of each of their engagements is very high.
We’d love to help you connect with more deal sources like John. His firm is one of many great M&A firms that are not widely known nationally to buyers like you.
If your fund is interested in connecting directly with more M&A firms like Saddle Creek, review our deal origination services for private equity firms here. It is our job to ensure that buyers know more lead sources!