Announcing a new, more focused
November 28, 2016
Over the last 6 years, we have launched 8 websites. Looking back, it is still amazing to us how much our service, message and brand have evolved over the years.
At one point we offered more than 12 services to 3 market segments, which admittedly got a bit confusing for clients and internal team members alike. Since then, we have made a deliberate effort to get back to our two core services within the two markets we know the best – M&A research (deal prep, prospecting, CIM writing, financial modeling etc.) and Private Equity deal origination (without charging success fees or asking for long-term commitments).
This ‘return to our core’ involved the spin-off of Merger Labs as well as an effort to no longer offer services that we simply did not feel expert in providing. Our new site should allow our clients to learn about who we are and what we do faster and with less effort.
Over the near term we will be porting over our insights page archive and will still make legacy industry and regional M&A reporting availible, for free by request.
If you are new to CAPTARGET, we encourage you to connect with us – we continue to position ourselves as a resource for middle market deal makers and appreciate the opportunity to help you improve your M&A or Private Equity firm through levering our U.S. based, experience analyst team.